
Wicked Office Design Trends in 2016…

Take a look at the top trends of the year and our top five office design trend predictions for 2016…

Nature – Biophillic Design – Bring it in…

There have been various studies regarding the benefits of bringing the outside into the workplace. It has been suggested that plenty of greenery can increase your employees productivity levels, well-being and creativity. According to a Report by Human Spaces, offices with plants and natural light can increase productivity by 6% and creativity by 15%.

Lighting – Make it natural…

With nature quickly becoming a big part of office design – It is no surprise that lighting is also one of our top trends for 2016. Many workplaces today demonstrate a strong emphasis on feature lighting – Giving particular areas more or less light depending on individual working needs. Suprisingly, 47% of employees work in offices with no natural light while 55% don’t have any greenery.

Colours – Vibrant – Colour and mood…

Like 2015, 2016 will continue to display a high demand in bright, bold and vibrant colours throughout commercial environments. Colours not only add a sense of identity and personality to a space but they are also key to supporting and enhancing your company brand. There have also been various studies suggesting that particular colours can improve the way we think and act.

Technology – Innovative workstations…

Innovative workstations featuring intelligent whiteboards and advanced videoconferencing cameras are just some of the tech that will become more prevalent in offices this year. In general, technology will be used in the office to make sharing ideas, presentations, and other content easier and more efficient. Employees will be able to access data and other information quicker, connect more frequently and easily share ideas.

Collaborative – Encouraging interaction…

This is nothing new – With companies such as Google pioneering collaborative working, but the open-office design concept is becoming more and more popular. Encouraging employee interaction is proven to increase productivity and morale among team members. It promotes a sense of community and is particularly conducive to creativity and innovation. Therefore it is a given that this will continue to become a growing trend throughout workplaces in 2016.

Office design phrases you will hear in 2016.. 

Green Building Practices, Co-working, Tech Infrastructure, Lifestyle Amenities, Activity Based Design, Design for Wellbeing. Did we mention green, brining the outside in, nature and more nature…