
Considerate Constructors Scheme Registration – Ireland

Considerate Constructors Certificate of Registration

We are delighted to now be registered with the Considerate Constructors Scheme in Ireland after joining the Scheme earlier this year in the UK.

The Considerate Constructors Scheme is a not-for-profit, independent organisation founded in 1997 by the construction industry to improve its image. The Scheme promotes best practice within the construction industry and we are committed to abiding by the Code of Considerate Practice.

Membership in the Scheme in the UK has been a very positive experience to date, helping us achieve the highest standards possible on all our projects. This culminated in being awarded a Silver National Company Award.

Through our membership in the Scheme we seek to;

  • ensure all our sites appear professional and well managed
  • give the utmost consideration to our impact on neighbours and the public
  • protect and enhance the environment
  • attain the highest levels of safety performance
  • provide a supportive and caring working environment

By focusing on what we do best, our specialist teams in Ireland and the UK bring value to fitout, refurbishment & construction, design & build and retail projects. From art deco warehouses to enterprise hubs, from centres of excellence to retail spaces, our unwavering attention to detail delivers creative, robust spaces where people and businesses thrive.

Talk to us today about your project.